When it comes to obtaining a loan for your home mortgage, good credit ranks up there with air and water – it’s not a want, it’s a necessity!

Did you know that one in five individuals have an error on their credit report that they are unaware of? Medical collections, duplicate credit cards and more can be lurking on your credit report without your knowledge and wreak havoc on your overall credit score.

But there are actions you can take to ensure that your credit report contains only accurate information. You owe it to yourself to know what is in your report and your credit score. Most lenders use the three main reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax and Transunion. All three of these agencies will provide you with a free credit report.

So, what happens if you find an error or something that doesn’t belong on your report? You have the ability to dispute that error and get it corrected with the reporting agency. They are required by law to investigate your dispute and report back to you, typically within thirty days.

Our goal at Mortgage Gumbo is for everyone have the ability to be a homeowner. We have provided links to the three main credit reporting bureaus below. Check your credit and know what’s there. And if you would like to know more about how credit affects your ability to get a loan contact me, Dwayne Stein, anytime at 504-207-7600 or at [email protected].
