Your home will be the biggest investment you will ever make. So, it is so very important that you choose a title company that dots their I’s and crosses their T’s.

The job of a title company is to research the property to make sure that all the components of your transaction are legal and problem free. They ensure that the title to a piece of property is transferred legally and correctly.

On this week’s show, I sat down with Kyle Berthelot, Attorney at Law and closing attorney at Team Title in Covington. Team Title has been one of our trusted VIP Sponsors for years.  I can’t stress enough how important choosing the right title company can be. This is why we use Team Title for our closings. Team Title runs a 30-year chain to make sure the title is clear and the process goes as quickly and easily as possible. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen titles come through from other companies that need to be cleared up before you buy. It happens often and things get missed.

Kyle and I not only discussed the importance of the proper research of a title but the terms you will hear at closing such as a preliminary title report, an abstract, owner’s verses lender’s insurance and more. Kyle has a wealth of knowledge and broke these title terms down into simple, easy to understand English.

And many may not know, you have the right to choose your own title company when you close. Take my advice and choose wisely.

To listen to Kyle and I on the show click on my Mortgage Gumbo Podcast below. Or as always, you can contact me, Dwayne Stein, at my day job at 985-612-1900 or email me at [email protected].

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